For everything there is a season

Friday, July 26, 2013

When the Lord leads..... :)

Some of you may be wondering why my blog has been so quiet this spring.  So, I want to take this time to let you know how the Lord has been working in my life over the past few months.
To understand recent events, I need to begin this story back in the Spring of 2011. The new Polyface interns had arrived for the summer and among them was a girl from North Carolina named Leanna. As the season started I soon found out that we had a lot in common. She was home educated, came from a large family, and loved working outdoors.  I also noticed that she had a love for the Lord that was evident to all those around her. As the summer went on I realized that there were many qualities in Leanna's life which I really admired.  Wanting to be careful and not let on that I might have an interest, I set these thoughts in the back of my mind and stayed focused on work ... as best I could. :)
The Fall season came and with it the conclusion of the Summer Intern Program.  I will admit that I was just a little excited when Leanna accepted the Salatins offer to stay on as a full time staff member.  Now I could get to know this girl a bit better. We (the staff) had a great winter and enjoyed many fun times together working and going on town outings as a group.  When the next summer rolled around Leanna's brother, Jonathan, joined the Polyface team as a 2012 intern. I was really excited to have that happen as now I could learn even more about this girl and her family! In addition to the normal farm work interactions, some friends did a small group study that Leanna and her brother were a part of ... another opportunity for us to interact.
This "distracting attraction" I had toward Leanna started to get more serious after the 2012 interns left  and I had more time to think and pray. I felt like the Lord might be leading me in a certain direction, but I needed to be sure. I started sharing more with Dad and Mom about my interest in Leanna and discussion and prayer began in earnest as I sought the Lord for direction. By Christmas I was sensing that I wanted to pursue a courtship. In February and March I had the opportunity for Bible studies with the apprentices and Leanna.  It was during those times that I learned more about her desire to know God and His word.  The anticipation was mounting!
Finally in early April, with peace and her father's full blessing, I asked Leanna if she would be interested in taking our friendship to a deeper level. She said yes! As the weeks unfolded I was blown away by how God had been working in her heart and was preparing her for this step in life. Leanna had also been thinking and praying about ME over the past two years! God is so good! It was amazing to see how the Lord had been working in our lives to draw us together to pursue the possibility of marriage.  Our first few weeks of the relationship were so rich and meaningful as we talked about the past 22 months we had been working together and all the funny stories we had to share.
The Lord's hand of blessing was being felt every step of the way, and to make a long story short, within a couple of months I knew this was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.  At the end of June, Leanna and I were able to take a long weekend trip back to her home as a birthday surprise for her mom.  It was a very special weekend of fellowship and getting to know her parents and siblings better.  After our visit with her family I felt like it was time to ask THE question.  I had been 'doing my jewelry homework ' so within two weeks after our trip I selected a beautiful ring that I hoped Leanna would love.  Then on July 13th I asked Miss Leanna Hale to marry me ... and she answered with an excited "YES!!!"  Talk about a HAPPY FARMER!!!!!!!
So, there you have it, I am getting married!!!  My heart is bursting with joy at what God has done and His loving kindness toward us.  I pray that by sharing my story it may encourage others who are desiring to find God's direction regarding this area of life.  Every story will be different and that is the awesome thing about God's care and concern for each of His children!!  Follow His peace.  It can be done!! 
Below are a few pictures from the last couple of months.
Our first night out was for Leanna's birthday. We invited Daniel and Sheri to celebrate with us.
We had great food at a place that buys from Polyface!
Enjoyed a wonderful visit from most of my family in May
Leanna with my sisters, left to right, Rebekah, Anna, and Melissa
Mom and Dad with us
Leanna's sister, Christina, took this picture during our weekend with them.
Leanna's mom and dad
Leanna and sister Katie making breakfast.
Playing with nieces and nephews
Special moment with older brother Ken
Grandpa with the grandkids
Due to rain, we roasted hot dogs from the protection of the tent. Lots of fun!!
Younger brother Jonathan watching the Fourth of July parade with us.
I bought a ring tonight!!!!  Time to celebrate!!!  :)
Engagement night on the Blue Ridge Parkway!  
I had arranged for Jonathan to meet us later for pictures.
 It began to rain so we hopped into the truck for ice cream!
The two of us ~ Me and my fiancée!! :)
The ring!

Very, Very, Happy Farmers!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

My New Place!!!!

I'm in!! A week and a half ago I was able to move into my new and improved dwelling. It was an exciting time for me. Below are some picture of "moving day".
Packing up the old place!

My moving truck, the Polyface box truck, was perfect on this rainy day. It all fit in one load! ha, ha.

Hope all my moves can be this simple....:)
Had to give the fridge a good cleaning before taking it up to the new place.

My new house! Actually I share it. My place is the wing on the left, the guy interns have the middle two story section and the right wing is for our guy apprentices, Jonathan and Ben.

Yeah,....pretty sweet!!!

My first lunch I sat there wondering what I am going to do with all that shelf space!

I will try to get more pictures when every thing is set up.

"Let there be spring.......and BANG, it happened"

Disclaimer: this post was ninety five percent done then things got crazy busy on the farm. but I decided to post it anyway regardless of age. :-) Enjoy!

The title of this post sums it up.  Spring has come so quickly to the valley that we have been scrambling to get all the animals outside. Cows on pasture, chickens in eggmobiles, pigs turning compost and starting up a new farm, are just a few of the many things keeping us busy.

At the end of March I had a wonderful visit from two of my sisters, Laura and Anna.  We had so much fun together!  They jumped right in with work and were so much fun to have around. Talking at night and making me cookie dough for future baking completely spoiled me! :) We celebrated my 26th birthday with a fancy dinner downtown and enjoyed bowling with some of the farm staff.

I'm looking forward to moving into my new place soon, Yeah!! Work on the "hunt camp", as we call it  has been a little slow but with warmer weather here now things will kick into high gear to make the end of May dead line, before interns come.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

My new place in progress.

In March I went with our three apprentices to a maple syrup festival. We had a great time and enjoyed all you could eat buckwheat pancakes and pure maple syrup,  Yum!

This was a huge storage tank for sap as it came in to be boiled down.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the maple glazed donuts are out of this world! :)

Eggs, eggs, and more eggs.

Laura and Anna washed the real dirty ones.

Cookin' in the cottage.

Target practice time!  
Teaching the girls fire arm safety and shooting tips.