For everything there is a season

Monday, November 21, 2011

Going once, Going twice,......Sold!

Earlier in the fall I had the chance to go along with others from the farm to see the local cattle stockyard. We have been buying some of our feeder calves from the stockyard this fall so it was neat to actually see Daniel do the bidding/buying stuff

I was amazed at how the stockyard is able to keep track of the different groups of cattle throughout the sale process.  A farmer might bring in a group of 20 calves that could be graded into 20 separate categories and be bought by 20 different people and the farmer is able to get the money each calve brought. It is pretty wild if you ask me.

Buying cattle from an auction is quite an art. It was fun to watch Daniel and the other guys "go at it". Each one had their own unique way of letting the auctioneer know they would take the bid. I was able to sit with Daniel for awhile and learn about some of the things he was looking for in the animals.

beautiful sunrise on the mountain, Just thought I would throw this photo in the post

1 comment:

Coffee Moments with Shae said...

Oh wow! The sunrise is gorgeous!!!