For everything there is a season

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow.....

Sounds like Christmas doesn't it?  Well, I will say that early March seems rather late to be singing that tune, but it happened last week.  Tuesday night the snow started falling and it didn't stop until about noon on Wednesday.  We got almost a foot and a half of heavy snow! The scenery after it was all over was simply amazing.  Snow covered everything.  Thankfully, not much was damaged under the heavy weight and the animals were all safe and comfortable in their winter housing.

I am so thankful for the Lord Jesus whose blood covers our sins like a blanket of snow, never to be brought up, remembered, seen, or used against us, EVER again. (Isaiah 1:18)  Praise the Lord!!

Enjoy the pictures and have an awesome day!

I think I should make this picture into a post card.

Pretty comfy I'd say

Jonathan and Ben having fun being pulled on grain shovels.

Cool formations coming off the roof as it melted.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Filling Big Shoes

Life on the farm is going well and it seems spring is just around the corner.

Joel and Daniel recently returned from Australia where they were speaking at agricultural seminars and hosting workshops. During their absence the rest of us were left to keep the "farm fires burning" and  make sure that work went on as usual.  I am happy to report that we were up for the challenge!  I am so blessed with the awesome team I get to work with every day. They are the best!!

One of the big things that happened while the bosses were away, was the hosting of a two man TV crew from France.  They came to see the how and why of the Polyface operation.  Their main purpose for coming to the U.S. was to learn about, and capture on film, a sustainable way of farming in contrast to the conventional confinement style of operation.  This film trip was spurred on by the recent happenings in Europe where horse meat was found in industrial ground beef.

With both Joel and Daniel gone, the role of being one of the main "Polyfaces" fell to me.  Though a lapel mic is not part of my everyday work attire, I think I pulled it off. :)  We all enjoyed the learning experience and had a lot of fun with our guests from France. Can't wait to see what they put together!

Below are a couple shots of the "ever present cameras".  Unfortunately, the only documentation I have of our time together is when we fed pigs.

Most recent "sugaring".  I harvested 23 pints of syrup from this batch.
A cool, night shot of the steam coming off the pan.