For everything there is a season

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's Sugaring Time!

Well, here in the valley winter has certainly been unpredictable these last couple of weeks.  First we have cold, then 65 degrees, next it's back down into the single digits followed by two and a half inches of rain! Crazy!!  All these changes have made it more of a challenge to know when to start taping the maple trees. Sugaring has become a satisfying spring hobby for me in the last several years. 

The sap begins flowing as cold nights and warm days start to become the norm.  The nighttime freeze and daytime thaw signals to the tree that spring's arrival is close at hand.  I set out my collection buckets last week on a warm day when the sap was running .... but then we had a cold weekend and it is taking a little bit for things to thaw out again.

Below are some pictures of the set up process. I will post photos of the evaporation and syrup finishing soon.

Supplies for collecting the sap

Two taps collecting into one bucket 

In many parts of the country sugaring is a big community event.  I had great help from friends on the farm, Travis (the little guy in the branches) was checking out the trees with a climbing inspection.  His father, Daniel (far right) was our tree scout helping us locate suitable maples.

It felt strange to be wearing short sleeves at the end of January.

I am figuring out where to drill the hole. I drill about and inch and a half deep either below a branch
or above a big root to have the best chance for good sap flow.

Some of the taps and connectors I use

Sap is dripping out of a fresh hole.

A tree tap before the tubing is attached


Unknown said...

It is sugaring time already in Virginia? Well, I guess here in Wisconsin it isn't too far off and I am looking forward to be a part of tapping maple trees for the first time this year on the place I live now. I have been enjoying reading your blog and keeping up with how you are doing. If you ever move back to the Midwest you should check out driftless region of SW Wisconsin, it has the nice rolling hills like VA, and lots of small organic farms with several major cities within a few hours away.

Kate (midwife friend of Dan & Tina Solberg)

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the post Eric!! Brings back so many great memories.


PattiP said...

Eric - What a surprise post! I had no idea you could tap sugar maples in Swoope! I wish my dad could have lived 1 more year and be part of bringing Leah to the farm last summer. He would have enjoyed talking with you about making syrup - he used to do it on his farm in Massachusetts. It was great to see you in the farm store last Saturday - sorry I was in such a rush. Happy sugaring!

Wendy said...

I love seeing/learning how you tapped the trees and made syrup! Thank you for sharing some with Maddie and me - it is so delicious!! We say "thank you Eric" each time we pour a little!! :)