For everything there is a season

Monday, July 15, 2013

"Let there be spring.......and BANG, it happened"

Disclaimer: this post was ninety five percent done then things got crazy busy on the farm. but I decided to post it anyway regardless of age. :-) Enjoy!

The title of this post sums it up.  Spring has come so quickly to the valley that we have been scrambling to get all the animals outside. Cows on pasture, chickens in eggmobiles, pigs turning compost and starting up a new farm, are just a few of the many things keeping us busy.

At the end of March I had a wonderful visit from two of my sisters, Laura and Anna.  We had so much fun together!  They jumped right in with work and were so much fun to have around. Talking at night and making me cookie dough for future baking completely spoiled me! :) We celebrated my 26th birthday with a fancy dinner downtown and enjoyed bowling with some of the farm staff.

I'm looking forward to moving into my new place soon, Yeah!! Work on the "hunt camp", as we call it  has been a little slow but with warmer weather here now things will kick into high gear to make the end of May dead line, before interns come.

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

My new place in progress.

In March I went with our three apprentices to a maple syrup festival. We had a great time and enjoyed all you could eat buckwheat pancakes and pure maple syrup,  Yum!

This was a huge storage tank for sap as it came in to be boiled down.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, the maple glazed donuts are out of this world! :)

Eggs, eggs, and more eggs.

Laura and Anna washed the real dirty ones.

Cookin' in the cottage.

Target practice time!  
Teaching the girls fire arm safety and shooting tips.


Nate Paine said...

LOVE the target practice time... :D it looks like a lot of fun! WOW... you've been keeping busy! Thanks for posting Eric! Blessings! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Eric,
We attended the PIDS July 26 and 27, 2013, heard you speak, met Leanna and had a wonderful time. We have a large farm in Highland County, Virginia (with lots of sugar maple trees!). We are in the process of building infrastructure and are looking for a young couple to partner with us. We live and work in Charlottesville, VA. We would like to speak with you about it. At your convenience, would you call us at 434-293-4200, M-F, 9-5:30?
Thanks, Bob and Daryl Brown